+33 7 87 37 59 09 info@mastignac.eu

How would you like to spend

your holiday? The choice is yours:

You can stay with us eit­her in one of our two spa­cious sui­tes or in our beau­tiful­ly desi­gned vaca­ti­on apart­ment.

Suite Crépuscule

Tas­teful­ly fur­nis­hed suite on the 1st flo­or of the West wing over­loo­king the swim­ming pool, the gar­den and the coun­try­si­de of Pro­vence.

With over 50 m² (>540 sqf), the suite offers ple­nty of space for a rela­xing vaca­ti­on.
The bed­room is equip­ped with a dou­ble bed (160×200 cm) and a small secre­ta­ry. The suite has a sepa­ra­te bath­room with an Ita­li­an show­er and a towel dry­er as well as a walk-in clo­set.

The rest room is sepa­ra­te. In the salon the­re is a kit­chenet­te with cof­fee maker, kett­le and fri­dge. Modern com­fort is pro­vi­ded by fiber optic inter­net con­nec­tion and flat screen TV.

On the ter­race in front of the suite ent­rance the­re is a small sea­ting area. Here you can end the day with a glass of wine.

An air con­di­tio­ning sys­tem in the bed­room ensu­res a restful night. And an insect screen in front of the bed­room win­dows allows for care­free ven­ti­la­ti­on.

Pri­ces for 2 peo­p­le:
Low sea­son: 164 Euros / day and 1,033 Euros / week
High sea­son (July and August): 180 Euros / day and 1,134 Euros / week

Break­fast and tou­rist tax are included in the pri­ce.

We ask for your under­stan­ding that we can only accept boo­kings for a mini­mum peri­od of 3 days.

Suite Aube

EETas­teful­ly fur­nis­hed suite on the 1st flo­or of the East wing with a view of the moun­tain ran­ge “La Lan­ce”. With approx. 50 m² (540 sgf), the suite offers ple­nty of space for a rela­xing vaca­ti­on.

The modern desi­gned bed­room has an inte­gra­ted Ita­li­an show­er and — behind a room divi­der — a wash­ba­sin with towel dry­er. It is equip­ped with a dou­ble bed (160×200 cm) and a wri­ting desk. The rest­room is sepa­ra­te.

In the salon the­re is a kit­chenet­te with cof­fee maker, kett­le and fri­dge. Modern com­fort is pro­vi­ded by fiber optic inter­net con­nec­tion and flat screen TV.

On the ter­race in front of the suite ent­rance the­re is a small sea­ting area. Here you can end the day with a glass of wine.

An air con­di­tio­ning sys­tem in the bed­room ensu­res a restful night. And an insect screen in front of the bed­room win­dows allows for care­free ven­ti­la­ti­on.

Pri­ces for 2 peo­p­le:
Low sea­son: 157 Euros / day and 990 Euros / week
High sea­son (July and August): 169 Euros / day and 1,065 Euros / week

Break­fast and tou­rist tax are included in the pri­ce.

We ask for your under­stan­ding that we can only accept boo­kings for a mini­mum peri­od of 3 days.

Apartment Midi

Tas­teful­ly fur­nis­hed vaca­ti­on apart­ment (gite) on the 1st flo­or of the East wing with a view of “La Lan­ce” and the gar­den. The gîte offers with about 50 m² ple­nty of space for a rela­xing vaca­ti­on.

The gîte has a bath­room with Ita­li­an show­er and towel dry­er. The rest room is sepa­ra­te. The bed­room is fur­nis­hed with a dou­ble bed (160×200 cm).

The ful­ly equip­ped kit­chen with dish­wa­sher, induc­tion hob and oven invi­tes you to prepa­re the mar­ket fresh spe­cial­ties of Pro­vence.

The kit­chen is sepa­ra­ted from the living area by a bar. The living area offers modern com­forts such as fiber optic inter­net con­nec­tion and flat screen TV and is also fur­nis­hed with a secre­ta­ry. In front of the ent­rance of the apart­ment the­re is a small sea­ting area.

On nice sum­mer evenings you can end the day here with a glass of wine. Howe­ver, on cool spring or fall evenings you can warm yours­elf by the cozy fire­place.

An air con­di­tio­ning sys­tem in the bed­room ensu­res a restful night. And an insect screen in front of the bed­room win­dows allows for care­free ven­ti­la­ti­on.

Pri­ces for 2 peo­p­le:
Low sea­son: 107 Euros / day and 674 Euros / week
High sea­son (July and August): 118 Euros / day and 743 Euros / week

Break­fast is not included in the pri­ce of the apart­ment. Howe­ver, the tou­rist tax is inclu­si­ve.

We ask for your under­stan­ding that we can only accept boo­kings for a mini­mum peri­od of 3 days.

Additional information:

  • Pri­ces for gour­met weekends (e.g. truf­fles) on request.
  • Par­king on the pre­mi­ses with char­ging pos­si­bi­li­ty for elec­tric cars (extra fee)
  • Lar­ge pool (6m x 14m; 20 x 46 feet; not hea­ted)
  • Free WIFI glass fiber inter­net
  • Libra­ry
  • Break­fast is available for our guests in the sui­tes bet­ween 8:30 and 9:30 am
  • Arri­val bet­ween 3:00 and 8:00 pm, out­side the­se hours by appoint­ment only.
  • Depar­tu­re befo­re 10:00 am
  • Pay­ment: cash, advan­ce bank trans­fer, card
  • The house is com­ple­te­ly non-smo­king but smo­king out­side the house is pos­si­ble
  • For safe­ty reasons the house is not sui­ta­ble for child­ren under 8 years of age
  • The guest rooms are loca­ted on the 1st flo­or and are unfort­u­na­te­ly not sui­ta­ble for peo­p­le with wal­king dif­fi­cul­ties
  • Unfort­u­na­te­ly, our dog Mar­ley does not want to share Mastignac with other pets. The­r­e­fo­re, to our reg­ret, we can not accept other dogs as guests.

Mastignac Chambre d’hôte SARL

Eve­lyn Net­zer-Kloft
155 rou­te de Tau­li­gnan
84600 Val­ré­as