+33 7 87 37 59 09 info@mastignac.eu

Welcome to your holiday in Mastignac!


You can stay with us eit­her in one of the two spa­cious sui­tes ‘Cré­pus­cu­le’ or ‘Aube’ or in our holi­day flat ‘Midi’.


Dis­co­ver the unspoilt Pro­vence with its enchan­ting land­scapes, ubi­qui­tous laven­der and beau­tiful vil­la­ges.


Live like God in France at break­fast and — if you wish — at the evening meal under the open sky or in the fire­si­de lounge.

The location

Mastignac is loca­ted in the heart of the Encla­ve des Papes and the Drô­me Pro­ven­ça­le, sur­roun­ded by famous places such as Vai­son la Romaine, Avi­gnon and Oran­ge and only an hour and a half away from the Medi­ter­re­an Sea. Nest­led among viney­ards and laven­der, oli­ves and oak gro­ves, this for­mer Mas pro­ven­çal beau­tiful­ly offers the bene­fits of Pro­vence and the French way of life.

Stroll through the mar­kets of Nyons or Vai­son la Romaine and dis­co­ver pic­tures­que vil­la­ges like Grignan, La Gar­de-Adhé­mar or La Poët-Laval. Visit the num­e­rous excel­lent domain­es in world-famous wine regi­ons such as Cha­teau­neuf-du-Pape or Gigon­das. Or go on a dis­co­very tour by bike or on foot in the near­by natu­re park of the Baron­nies Pro­ven­ça­les or the Mont Ven­toux.

Relax with a refres­hing bath in the pool and enjoy the sun­set over the viney­ards.

The history of our house

This Mas, a for­mer farm who­se ori­g­ins date back to the 18th cen­tu­ry, takes its name from the place “Mastignac”. From this histo­ry, the cha­rac­te­ristic Pro­ven­çal archi­tec­tu­re and the char­ming cha­rac­ter of the buil­ding has been pre­ser­ved. The buil­ding, com­ple­te­ly reno­va­ted, is arran­ged around the lar­ge patio which is the heart of the pro­per­ty. Here, alre­a­dy on the first beau­tiful days of spring, break­fast is ser­ved and on sum­mer evenings the weekly din­ner, with cand­le­light and the sin­ging of cica­das.

Your hosts

The location

Mastignac is loca­ted in the heart of the Encla­ve des Papes and the Drô­me Pro­ven­ça­le, sur­roun­ded by famous places such as Vai­son la Romaine, Avi­gnon and Oran­ge and only an hour and a half away from the Medi­ter­re­an Sea. Nest­led among viney­ards and laven­der, oli­ves and oak gro­ves, this for­mer Mas pro­ven­çal beau­tiful­ly offers the bene­fits of Pro­vence and the French way of life.

Stroll through the mar­kets of Nyons or Vai­son la Romaine and dis­co­ver pic­tures­que vil­la­ges like Grignan, La Gar­de-Adhé­mar or La Poët-Laval. Visit the num­e­rous excel­lent domain­es in world-famous wine regi­ons such as Cha­teau­neuf-du-Pape or Gigon­das. Or go on a dis­co­very tour by bike or on foot in the near­by natu­re park of the Baron­nies Pro­ven­ça­les or the Mont Ven­toux.

Relax with a refres­hing bath in the pool and enjoy the sun­set over the viney­ards.

The history of our house

This Mas, a for­mer farm who­se ori­g­ins date back to the 18th cen­tu­ry, takes its name from the place “Mastignac”. From this histo­ry, the cha­rac­te­ristic Pro­ven­çal archi­tec­tu­re and the char­ming cha­rac­ter of the buil­ding has been pre­ser­ved. The buil­ding, com­ple­te­ly reno­va­ted, is arran­ged around the lar­ge patio which is the heart of the pro­per­ty. Here, alre­a­dy on the first beau­tiful days of spring, break­fast is ser­ved and on sum­mer evenings the weekly din­ner, with cand­le­light and the sin­ging of cica­das.

Your hosts

Mastignac Chambre d’hôte SARL

Eve­lyn Net­zer-Kloft
155 rou­te de Tau­li­gnan
84600 Val­ré­as