+33 7 87 37 59 09 info@mastignac.eu

Our catering: Bon appétit!

For a good start into the day

For break­fast we offer crus­ty baguettes and crois­sants, savo­ry or sweet tar­te­let­tes, home­ma­de jams, dairy
pro­ducts, egg dis­hes on request, ham and cheese assort­ment.

Whe­ther savo­ry or sweet, we care about pro­vi­ding you with an unfor­gettable break­fast!

Regional menu at the guest table in the evening

Each sea­son has its own spe­cial­ties. The regi­on offers an excep­tio­nal ter­ro­ir and a varie­ty of local pro­ducts that we pay tri­bu­te to in sea­so­nal recipes:

Poul­try from the Drô­me, lamb from Sis­te­ron, oli­ves from Nyons, aspa­ra­gus and straw­ber­ries from Vau­cluse, sun-ripen­ed toma­toes, melons and fruits from the Rhô­ne Val­ley in sum­mer, mush­rooms from the forests and, of cour­se, truf­fles in win­ter!

For a good start into the day

For break­fast we offer crus­ty baguettes and crois­sants, savo­ry or sweet tar­te­let­tes, home­ma­de jams, dairy
pro­ducts, egg dis­hes on request, ham and cheese assort­ment.

Whe­ther savo­ry or sweet, we care about pro­vi­ding you with an unfor­gettable break­fast!

Regional menu at the guest table in the evening

Each sea­son has its own spe­cial­ties. The regi­on offers an excep­tio­nal ter­ro­ir and a varie­ty of local pro­ducts that we pay tri­bu­te to in sea­so­nal recipes:

Poul­try from the Drô­me, lamb from Sis­te­ron, oli­ves from Nyons, aspa­ra­gus and straw­ber­ries from Vau­cluse, sun-ripen­ed toma­toes, melons and fruits from the Rhô­ne Val­ley in sum­mer, mush­rooms from the forests and, of cour­se, truf­fles in win­ter!

When the wea­ther is nice, din­ner is ser­ved in the patio, by cand­le­light and in a rela­xed atmo­sphe­re (Fri­day evenings). Howe­ver, if it rains or the mis­tral blows too hard, we ser­ve din­ner in the fire­place room. We offer this ser­vice only on reser­va­ti­on (latest 2 days befo­re), pri­ce 45,00 € per per­son inclu­ding wine (except truff­le or spe­cial menus).

Mastignac Chambre d’hôte SARL

Eve­lyn Net­zer-Kloft
155 rou­te de Tau­li­gnan
84600 Val­ré­as