+33 7 87 37 59 09 info@mastignac.eu

Discover the Provence!

Dis­co­ver this regi­on that is so clo­se to the land of milk and honey. But it’s not just the culina­ry delights
but also the magi­cal land­scape with its ubi­qui­tous laven­der and the typi­cal cypress trees.

Expe­ri­ence the ori­gi­nal Pro­vence with its num­e­rous most beau­tiful vil­la­ges in France.

Markets in the region

Feel the colors and smells at the typi­cal Pro­ven­çal mar­kets of the regi­on, e.g:

Vai­son la Romaine – Tues­days
Val­ré­as – Wed­nes­days
Nyons – Thurs­days
Ceci­le des Vignes – Satur­days

Wines of the Côte du Rhône region

Tas­te the varie­ty of wines from the Côte du Rhô­ne . We will be hap­py to help you choo­se the appro­pria­te domain­es.


We are hap­py to recom­mend restau­rants in the regi­on.

Sights and activities

Dis­co­ver the sights of the Vau­cluse in the heart of Pro­vence on the web­site of„pro­ven­ce­gui­de“
The­re is no bet­ter way to descri­be this beau­tiful regi­on than the web­site of “La Drô­me tou­ris­me”  be descri­bed.

The most beautiful villages

Don’t miss the region’s most beau­tiful vil­la­ges and cast­les, they are only a stone’s throw away:

  • Grignan,
  • La Gar­de Adhé­mar,
  • Riche­ren­ches,
  • Mor­nas,
  • Suze la Rous­se

Markets in the region

Feel the colors and smells at the typi­cal Pro­ven­çal mar­kets of the regi­on, e.g:

Vai­son la Romaine – Tues­days
Val­ré­as – Wed­nes­days
Nyons – Thurs­days
Ceci­le des Vignes – Satur­days

Wines of the Côte du Rhône region

Tas­te the varie­ty of wines from the Côte du Rhô­ne . We will be hap­py to help you choo­se the appro­pria­te domain­es.


We are hap­py to recom­mend restau­rants in the regi­on.

Sights and activities

Dis­co­ver the sights of the Vau­cluse in the heart of Pro­vence on the web­site of„pro­ven­ce­gui­de“
The­re is no bet­ter way to descri­be this beau­tiful regi­on than the web­site of “La Drô­me tou­ris­me”  be descri­bed.

The most beautiful villages

Don’t miss the region’s most beau­tiful vil­la­ges and cast­les, they are only a stone’s throw away:

  • Grignan,
  • La Gar­de Adhé­mar,
  • Riche­ren­ches,
  • Mor­nas,
  • Suze la Rous­se

Mastignac Chambre d’hôte SARL

Eve­lyn Net­zer-Kloft
155 rou­te de Tau­li­gnan
84600 Val­ré­as